Make a success of your next step
You are here because you are in the process of personal transformation or considering change.
I bring you support in the form of a structured, holistic and pragmatic approach.
I can be engaged by your company and therefore meet you in your workplace, or by you directly, in which case we work together at my office.
In times of crisis (burn out, harassment, unsuitable management style)
In order to face a particular challenge (short term)
Within the framework of personal development
In cases of career transition
My mission ?

To reconnect you with your inner self
By asking the right questions- lots of questions !
And most of all, by getting you to listen to your answers, that shed light on your personal truth, at this particular moment of your life.

To redefine who you want to be
For the right reasons.
Your job does not only tell the world what you do, but more importantly, who you are.

My favorite quote : the definition of respect by Carl Rogers, the famous Psychologist.