Rediscover the sheer pleasure of working well together

Make a success of your company's transformation

You are here because you are engaged in a transformation project and your team is under strain.

What does your company propose to support teams experiencing difficult moments?

I step in with a structured approach to breathe new energy into the team and to rebuild trust and confidence.

Does your team make the most of all its resources ?

of staff
0 %
Consider that the most important quality of a leader is to develop team spirit.
leverage tool for team building
1 st

Team spirit is the number 1 leverage tool for fostering the loyalty of Generation Z.

of French employees
0 %

Think that their employers are ill-prepared for company transformation

I step in in a variety of situations


Breakdowns of trust, widespread exhaustion, warning procedures, death, harassment.


Mergers, redundancy plans, company moves, changes of shareholders.


Digitalization, creation of a new corporate culture.


improvement of quality of life at work, prevention of occupational hazards.

Who am I ?

I am Isabelle Henkens, a Lawyer and a Psychologist.

I am Tri-lingual in French, English and Dutch.

In the course of my journey, I have found out that, what affects health and wellness the most in the corporate world, is the stress and exhaustion experienced by staff when a project hits difficulties… as transformation projects usually do, at one point or another.

Personal strain often goes hand in hand with tense relationships. I therefore developed the Zephyr method, to successfully complete transformation projects, by reinforcing the bonds within the team.

I hold a Masters degree in Law (KU Leuven) and in Psychology (UC Louvain la Neuve). I am also an accredited facilitator of co-development groups.


Isabelle helped us when a major transformation project we engaged in, encountered a string of unpredictable difficulties (...) She succeeded in getting team members to really listen and understand each other and empower themselves to move on to succeed. That experience strengthened the bonds between team members as they became more authentic.
Jean-Pierre Poisson
Director of Social Affairs, Bouygues Telecom
accompagnement entreprise transformation

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 How about you ?

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Would you like to know more about the way I work ? Please contact me by phone on : +33 6 23 83 19 84 or you can use the form below to send me a message. Thank you.

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